Quiz: How well do you know contraception?

Contraception is a product or medical procedure that prevents pregnancy. Different contraceptive methods work differently and with different outcomes. Test your knowledge of contraception by taking this quiz.  

Filed under: QUIZ | Posted on April 28th, 2023 by Life Yangu | No Comments »

Four short-term contraception methods to consider

Short- term contraception methods are are designed to prevent pregnancy for a brief period of time. They are ideal for people who want to delay having a child for a little while, or by those who are not ready to commit to a long-term contraceptive method. Here are some of the most popular types of […]

Filed under: Contraception | Posted on April 25th, 2023 by Life Yangu | No Comments »

Five long-term contraception methods for you

Contraception is essential for those who want to delay or avoid pregnancy. While there are various types, long-term methods of contraception offer an effective way to prevent pregnancy for extended periods. These methods require less frequent maintenance as they do not require daily or weekly use. Below are some long-term methods of contraception for you […]

Filed under: Contraception | Posted on April 18th, 2023 by Life Yangu | No Comments »

Four common contraception questions answered

There are a number of contraceptive methods available. Selecting the right one requires you to consider a number of factors including your health and lifestyle. To help you get a better overview, here are some common contraception questions answered. 1. How effective are various types of contraception? The effectiveness of contraception varies depending on the […]

Filed under: Contraception | Posted on April 14th, 2023 by Life Yangu | No Comments »

How much do you really know about hormonal contraceptives?

Hormonal contraception uses hormones to prevent pregnancy. These hormones are released in small amounts to prevent ovulation, with varying levels of effectiveness. Take the quiz below to test your knowledge of these methods.   Find a health facility near you to access contraception services.

Filed under: QUIZ | Posted on April 11th, 2023 by Life Yangu | No Comments »

QUIZ: Test your knowledge of contraception with this TRUE or FALSE quiz

With a lot of sources of information on contraception, make sure that you have accurate information. Find out how much you know with the quiz below.  

Filed under: QUIZ | Posted on April 3rd, 2023 by Life Yangu | No Comments »

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