While dealing with COVID-19, let us not forget sexual and reproductive healthcare

Kenya, along with the rest of the world is currently responding to the COVID-19 pandemic.

Filed under: Contraception | Posted on February 12th, 2022 by Evelyn Samba | No Comments »

Youth Champions leading change for young people in Kenya

Eight DSW Youth Champions will be using their voices this year to make sure the EU’s external action effectively responds to young people’s needs, particularly in the field of global health and sexual and reproductive health and rights.

Filed under: Contraception | Posted on February 12th, 2022 by Life Yangu | No Comments »

Lifting of Mexico City policy good for reproductive healthcare in Kenya

In the last one month, Kenyans have been treated to a heated debate on reproductive health triggered by the second reading of the reproductive healthcare bill at the senate.

Filed under: Others | Posted on February 12th, 2022 by Evelyn Samba | No Comments »

Time for Kenya to invest own HIV funds, better manage the funds and supplies.

The drugs in question were phased out in 2019 due to their adverse effects on patients.

Filed under: Contraception | Posted on February 12th, 2022 by Evelyn Samba and Mercy Onsando | No Comments »

Trained by DSW Kenya, Ahmed Yusuf Stands for Family Planning in Meru County

Since the pandemic began, many youth who are HIV-positive have been shying away from going to health facilities to get their antiretroviral drugs for fear of being tested for Covid-19.

Filed under: Others | Posted on February 12th, 2022 by Brian Otieno | No Comments »

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