Part Three of the Family Planning Youth Champions Reference Handbook serves as the concluding segment, focusing on the utilization of training materials for reproductive health advocacy tailored to the specific needs of youth and adolescent champions. This handbook is intricately designed to empower youth to actively engage in Family Planning policy and budget advocacy, with the overarching goal of enhancing access to FP services and information.
Chapter 8: FP/SRHR Policies
Provides an in-depth understanding of FP/SRHR policies and elucidates strategies for influencing them at various levels.
Chapter 9: Understanding the EU
Provides insights into the European Union, its operational mechanisms, and how DSW collaborates with EU institutions to advance advocacy efforts.
Chapter 10: Monitoring and Evaluation
Explores the fundamental concepts of monitoring, evaluation, accountability, and learning within the advocacy landscape.
Introduces tools and methodologies for effective monitoring and reporting practices.
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