Five condom myths debunked

13 March 2023 | Contraception | by Life Yangu

The condom is one of the most popular methods of contraception because it protects against both HIV infection and unintended pregnancies. However, it is subject to a lot of myths and misconceptions.

In this article we debunk five popular myths and misconceptions about condoms.

1. Myth: Condom can be re-used

Truth: Condoms are used only once.

A new condom should be used each time a couple has sex and it must be used from start to finish to protect against pregnancy and STDs. 

2. Myth: You can use two condoms at once

Truth: Only use one condom at once

Whether it is two male condoms or a female and a male condom, they will rub against each other, and the resultant friction can weaken them and cause them to break or fail.

3. Myth: Condoms do not fit.

Truth: There is a condom for everyone.

There are many different kinds and brands of condoms that vary in shape, size, colour, lubrication, thickness, and texture. Some are coated with a lubricant or spermicide.

4. Myth: Condoms can be stored anywhere

Truth: Keep condoms in a cool, dry place in their original wrapper.

Condoms can be made less effective by heat, light, and humidity. It’s best to store them in a cool, dry place where the package won’t get crushed, folded or punctured. They should also be stored away from sharp or rough surfaces that could tear them or wear them out.

5. Myth: Condoms encourage infidelity, promiscuity, or prostitution

Truth: Using condoms doesn’t make people more promiscuous

It instead helps us to make informed and responsible decisions about our sexual and reproductive health. Condoms are an appropriate contraceptive method for anyone, regardless of marital status.

Remember: Condoms are highly effective when used consistently and correctly in every sexual encounter

Click here to read more about condoms.

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