
Juu Life Ni

Our lives are in our hands. We’ve got to be responsible for our sexual and reproductive health. What is sexual and reproductive health?

The exercise of control over one’s sexual and reproductive health linked to human rights and includes the right to:

  • Reproductive health as a component of overall health, throughout the life cycle, for both men and women;
  • Reproductive decision-making, including voluntary choice in marriage, family formation and determination of the number, timing and spacing of one’s children and the right to have access to the information and means needed to exercise voluntary choice;
  • Equality and equity for men and women, to enable individuals to make free and informed choices in all spheres of life, free from discrimination based on gender; and
  • Sexual and reproductive security, including freedom from sexual violence and coercion, and the right to privacy.
Choices are everyone’s life journey. Question is, which choices will you make?

Contraception – Choice ni yako!

Contraception is the intentional prevention of pregnancy through the use of various devices, sexual practices, hormones, or surgical procedures. Make an informed choice!

Youth friendly health
facility IKO karibu

Get information, advice and treatment from health centres near you for an informed choice.

Tembelea hosi/kituo cha afya kilicho karibu na home.

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Our goal is to motivate young men and women to take control of their sexual and reproductive health.

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