Male Condoms
The male condom is a thin, latex rubber sheath made to fit a man’s erect penis.How the method works
- Condoms prevent pregnancy by physically preventing the male sperm from gaining access to the woman’s reproductive system.
Common Type of Male Condoms
- Condoms come in different sizes, colors, and textures. Some are coated with a lubricant or spermicide.
- When used consistently and correctly in every sexual encounter, male condoms can be 98% effective.
- However, typical male condom use is only moderately effective at about 87%.
- Generally easy to obtain.
- Can easily be carried and used on demand
- It can be used when breastfeeding.
- It is important to note that the male condom prevents pregnancy, HIV/AIDS and STIs spread by discharge and skin-skin contact.
- Cannot be used with oil-based lubricants since this could reduce their effectiveness.
- If not properly used, condoms may tear or come out duirng sex.
- Condoms can also be made less effective by heat, light, and humidity.
Side Effects experienced by some users
- Some people are allergic to latex rubber
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You will get a small injection on your arm to numb you. This means you won’t feel pain at all during insertion. There will be a little pain or soreness as the wound heals for about a week.
Yes. A woman who has not had children generally can use an IUD, but she should understand that the IUD is more likely to come out because her uterus may be smaller than the uterus of a woman who has given birth.
Yes. If needed, ECPs can be taken again, even in the same cycle. A woman who needs ECPs often may want to consider a longer-acting and more effective family planning method
Yes. A woman who has not had children generally can use an IUD, but she should understand that the IUD is more likely to come out because her uterus may be smaller than the uterus of a woman who has given birth.
No. Most research finds no major changes in bleeding patterns after female sterilization. If a woman was using a hormonal method or IUD before sterilization, her bleeding pattern will return to the way it was before she used these methods