15 outstanding innovations longlisted for 2023 Youth-led Solutions on GBV and SRHR

05 December 2023 | Others | by Life Yangu

Fifteen outstanding innovations have made the long-list of the 2023 Innovative Solutions award.

Following the call for solutions,  15 innovations have been selected from over 50 submission that sought to promote Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights (including maternal health) and combat Gender-Based Violence.

Under SRHR, the solutions will improve access to accurate information, and services, related to sexual and reproductive health and rights, including maternal health, family planning and contraception. This can include digital platforms, educational campaigns, or community-based interventions to raise awareness and provide support.

Under GBV Intervention and Support, the solutions seek to prevent and address GBV in any of its forms. Innovations in this track should provide tools for early intervention, safe reporting mechanisms, support networks, and resources for survivors. This can involve technology, community engagement, and legal empowerment.

The long-listed innovations are undergoing review by a panel of judges and finalists will be announced.

Winners of the 2023 Call for Innovative Youth-led Solutions will receive mentorship, networking opportunities, and support to further develop and implement their solutions. These will be:

  • Seed funding for 1st and 2nd place solutions, at Ksh. 500,000 each
  • Seed funding for best third solution at Sh200,00o
  • Mentorship and technical assistance of 1st, 2nd and 3rd place solutions, to further develop and implement their solutions, for a period of three months.

Below is the list:

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